黑雲杉(Black spruce,Picea mariana)
學名:Picea mariana
圖:黑雲杉(Picea mariana)
曾經使用過的學名有Abies mariana、Picea brevifolia或Picea nigra。原生於美國北方和加拿大全境,主要生長在沼澤地或厚苔沼(muskegs),枝葉和種子可食。加拿大魁北克每年約有92萬公噸乾重的杉樹皮,因為是木材廠的廢棄物,所以多被燒掉做為能源[1]。[2]
黑雲杉枝葉水蒸餾精油成分有乙酸龍腦酯(bornyl acetate,34.2%)、莰烯(camphene,16.4%)和α-蒎烯(α-pinene,12.9%);純露含α-萜品醇(α-terpineol,14.8%)、龍腦(borneol,13.5%)、乙酸龍腦酯(7.8%)、萜品烯-4-醇(terpinen-4-ol,6.5%)和順3-己烯-1-醇(cis-3-hexen-1-ol,6.5%)[3]。乙酸龍腦酯和莰烯多來自針葉,α-蒎烯來自樹枝和針葉的比例約2:1[4]。
進一步分析[9],每1 g的黑雲杉樹皮乾重至少含有104 μg的反式白藜蘆醇,而乙酸乙酯萃取物也主要都由多酚類物質所組成,包含5種新木脂素、7種木脂素、反式白藜蘆醇、3種酚酸和4種黃酮類,這些分子或多或少對抗發炎都有所貢獻。
作者選用加拿大邊境29種藥用植物的己烷萃取物,分析抑制急性淋巴性白血病細胞的能力[7],結果半數抑制能力IC50以軟鹿蕊(Cladina mitis)的6.63 ± 0.03 μg/mL最有效,其次是黑雲杉針葉的8.65 ± 0.38 μg/mL,以及冷嵩(Artemisia frigida)的9.67 ± 1.36 μg/mL。若是酒精或甲醇萃取物則無效。
彈力蛋白分解酶(elastase)和酪胺酸酶是彈力蛋白分解和皮膚生成黑色素所需參與的酵素,抑制其活性有助改善皺紋和美白。黑雲杉樹皮熱水和酒精萃取物具有抑制2者活性的功效[10]。熱水萃取物能抑制彈力蛋白分解酶61.9 ± 9.7%、IC50為4.6 ± 0.3 mg/mL,抑制酪胺酸酶50.8 ± 2.6%;酒精萃取物可抑制彈力蛋白分解酶41.4 ± 1.5%和酪胺酸酶48.3 ± 6.8%。兒茶素抑制彈力蛋白分解酶IC50為0.114 mg/mL;麴酸和熊果素抑制酪胺酸酶活性分別為95.3± 0.8%和86.9 ± 2.6%。
大鼠口服黑雲杉樹皮水萃取物的LD50超過2,000 mg/kg,表示沒有急性毒性[1]。小鼠單核巨噬細胞和400 μg/ml的黑雲杉樹皮水萃取物培養48小時,未顯示毒性,但經純化後的高濃度多酚/原花青素組合物在100-200 μg/mL便顯現毒性[11]。
鐮刀菌屬(Fusarium spp.)真菌會造成馬鈴薯乾腐,果膠桿菌屬(Pectobacterium spp.)和Dickeya spp.細菌是軟腐主因。加拿大黑雲杉樹皮的乙酸乙酯萃取物薰蒸可有效抑制馬鈴薯P. carotovorum、黑腐果膠桿菌(P. atrosepticum)和D. dianthicola等軟腐菌,最小抑菌濃度為0.6%;以及真菌尖孢鐮刀菌(F. oxysporum)和接骨木鐮刀菌(F. sambucinum),最小抑菌濃度從1.37 × 10-3到3.71 × 10-2 %,效果比商品Emesto Silver更佳。其他水、酸鹼萃取物和針葉精油,只有部分效果。
(1)Francezon, N., Meda, N. S. B. R., & Stevanovic, T. (2017). Optimization of bioactive polyphenols extraction from Picea mariana bark. Molecules, 22(12), 2118.
(2)Ambroziak, T. (2020). The Tipsiness of Black Spruce. Aromatherapy Journal.
(3)Garneau, F. X., Collin, G., Gagnon, H., & Pichette, A. (2012). Chemical Composition of the Hydrosol and the Essential Oil of Three Different Species of the Pinaceae Family: Picea glauca (Moench) Voss., Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP, and Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 15(2), 227-236.
(4)Hachey, J. M., Collin, G. J., & Simard, S. (1989). Influence of sample preparation on the composition of the essential oil of the needles and twigs of Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP. Journal of wood chemistry and technology, 9(1), 53-60.
(5)Francezon, N., & Stevanovic, T. (2017). Chemical composition of essential oil and hydrosol from Picea mariana bark residue. BioResources, 12(2), 2635-2645.
(6)Pandey, A., Shukla, A. K., Dubey, R. C., & Pratap, R. (2021). A review on the important phytochemicals and their role in psoriasis. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(3), 880-896.
(7)Deeg, K., Eichhorn, T., Alexie, G., Kretschmer, N., Andersch, K., Bauer, R., & Efferth, T. (2012). Growth inhibition of human acute lymphoblastic CCRF-CEM leukemia cells by medicinal plants of the West-Canadian Gwich’in Native Americans. Natural products and bioprospecting, 2(1), 35-40.
(8)García-Pérez, M. E., Allaeys, I., Rusu, D., Pouliot, R., Janezic, T. S., & Poubelle, P. E. (2014). Picea mariana polyphenolic extract inhibits phlogogenic mediators produced by TNF-α-activated psoriatic keratinocytes: Impact on NF-κB pathway. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 151(1), 265-278.
(9)García-Pérez, M. E., Royer, M., Herbette, G., Desjardins, Y., Pouliot, R., & Stevanovic, T. (2012). Picea mariana bark: A new source of trans-resveratrol and other bioactive polyphenols. Food chemistry, 135(3), 1173-1182.
(10)Royer, M., Prado, M., García-Pérez, M. E., Diouf, P. N., & Stevanovic, T. (2013). Study of nutraceutical, nutricosmetics and cosmeceutical potentials of polyphenolic bark extracts from Canadian forest species. PharmaNutrition, 1(4), 158-167.
(11)Diouf, P. N., Stevanovic, T., & Cloutier, A. (2009). Study on chemical composition, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of hot water extract from Picea mariana bark and its proanthocyanidin-rich fractions. Food Chemistry, 113(4), 897-902.
(12)Boivin, M., Bourdeau, N., Barnabé, S., & Desgagné-Penix, I. (2021). Black spruce extracts reveal antimicrobial and sprout suppressive potentials to prevent potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) losses during storage. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 5, 100187.